
Meet some of the ninjas who have conquered pain.

Running, lifting, and competing without hip or back pain.

Things tried before Ninja Physio: Rest and cryo.

Running uphill at a 5K without hip pain.
Competitive shooting match without back pain.

From pushing through back pain for 13 years to shooting competitively and taking long flights without pain.

Things tried before Ninja Physio: Physical therapy (twice), chiropractor, TENS. Refused surgery.

Back to powerlifting without shoulder pain or hip surgery.

Things tried before Ninja Physio: Rest, physical therapy, chiropractor, pain meds, injections. Refused surgery.

Preparing for some powerlifting.
Won silver at an international Judo tournament.

From severe knee pain to winning Silver at a Judo world tournament.

Things tried before Ninja Physio: Rest and massage.

Running, jumping, and lifting without knee or back pain.

Things tried before Ninja Physio: Scaling back, ice/heat, knee braces, surgery, physical therapy.

Leveling up her strength and jiu jitsu without back pain.

Things tried before Ninja Physio: Chiropractor.

Active as ever without the total hip replacement six doctors said he needed.

Things tried before Ninja Physio: Rest, ER, chiropractor, massage, acupuncture, hip specialists. Refused surgery.

Rick: Ranching

When you have a ranch, an insurance agency, and are a volunteer firefighter, there’s no time for the hindrances of pain. So when Rick started having recurring neck pain, and then headaches, he had to do something about it.
Worried that it was something serious, he thought of getting an MRI, but since his symptoms were of classic neck pain and had no red flags, we knew it was something we could help with and that an MRI wouldn’t be useful.
It’s been a year since he completed his physio program, and he’s still pain free. Ranching ain’t easy, but it’s easier without neck pain and headaches.

Tammy: Running

Tammy had already had two ACL repair surgeries on her right knee when it started hurting again and locking up. After taking an MRI, the doctor told her that she had a torn ACL and meniscus and that she’d need another surgery. Otherwise, she’d have to stop running and drastically reduce her activity levels the rest of her life. 

Like any athlete and active mom, this was unacceptable, so she tried chiro, massage, and physical therapy with temporary or no results. 

She heard of Ninja Physio through her friend’s social media posts, and rather than get another surgery, she decided to give us a call. After a few months of diligently following her program, Tammy avoided ACL surgery, can play tennis with her kids, and run again!

Jarrod: CrossFit and running

In 2012, Jarrod was in a motorcycle accident where he injured his back, neck, knee, and shoulder, which required surgery. The doctors told him that he was lucky to walk and would be very limited in his physical abilities the rest of his life. 

He was inactive for a few years, until his son got older and he wanted to help him get in better shape for martial arts and sports. Jarrod started participating in 5Ks in the Centex Race Series and being active with Team Red, White & Blue (RWB), but had to hold back because of the knee pain

Jarrod heard about Ninja Physio through a friend in RWB and signed up. In just a few months, he’s the strongest and fittest he’s been in a decade! He goes to CrossFit Bluestone 5X a week and is consistently lowering his 5K times, which he runs with his son.

Missy: CrossFit

Years of shoulder pain were preventing Missy from progressing with her upper body workouts. She was told by a chiropractor that her shoulder pain was due to scoliosis and that there was nothing to do about it. She was also dealing with months of hip pain that was keeping her up at night and causing her to compensate with squatting and running.

But after Ninja Physio, Missy has been crushing her workouts at CrossFit Bluestone, got her first pull up, dominated the Spring Festivus Games competition, and completed her first Spartan race!

Lou: Staying fit

Being 20 years in the Army, Lou was used to jumping out of airplanes and intense workouts. He injured his back over a decade ago, and got surgery in 2012. Three years later, the back pain was back. 

He tried multiple rounds of physical therapy, the chiropractor, massages, and injections, but none provided long term relief. He also tried cryotherapy, and it helped reduce the pain, but his left leg still felt much weaker than his right. He could hardly do calf raises or walk up stairs. 

A doctor told Lou that he had nerve damage and would need surgery to possibly fix it. Otherwise, he’d just have to live with it the rest of his life. Having exhausted his options and not wanting another surgery, Lou figured that his athletic days were over and limited his workouts to upper body lifts. 

In 2022, Lou heard about Ninja Physio through his wife and decided to give it a shot. In only a few months, he’s regained significant strength in his leg, even doing single leg box jumps!

Lisa: CrossFit and running

Lisa really enjoys being active, so when her shoulder started hurting over ten years ago, it was a problem. Physical therapy helped reduce the pain, but it still hurt to do pushups and lift weight overhead. Then in 2019, her hip started hurting, too, and she had to stop running. 

She got an MRI and the doctor said that she had a labral tear and needed surgery. She stopped going to her favorite group fitness classes and tried doing her own modified workouts at her garage gym. Some friends encouraged her to try CrossFit in 2021, and she loved it, but had to modify many of the workouts since movements like squatting, snatching, pushups, dips, and running were still painful. Even getting in and out of her car and sleeping hurt. 

Lisa met Dr. Lily at CrossFit Centex and signed up for her own program. Within a few weeks, both her shoulder and hip were pain free, and instead of holding back for the rest of her life and getting a risky surgery that mostly likely wouldn’t have fixed the problem, she is now running 5Ks, 10Ks, and enjoying CrossFit more than ever!

Get started with your free discovery call.

If you’d like to live pain free and stay active, you’ll get more out of this call than most (if not all) of the other appointments you’ve had.